Hi there! It’s Blaine, your Regina Home Insurance Expert at Campbell & Haliburton, myCH. Today, I want to talk about what to look out for as a first time home buyer. First Time Home Buyer? Here’s What To Look Out For! So you finally found the home you are going to...
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Home Water Damage: Help I’ve Been Flooded!
In our latest Campbell & Halliburton Regina home insurance blog, we guide you on what to do during cases of home water damage! Home Water Damage: Help I've Been Flooded! Water is the new fire. It's not just a thing we say to our clients, it is the truth....
Campbell & Haliburton Explains The Home Insurance Claims Process
In our latest Campbell & Halliburton Regina home insurance blog, we are sharing seven steps of the home insurance claims process! 7 Steps Of The Home Insurance Claims Process There are many reasons why you may need to make a property claim. After a storm,...
How To Avoid Holiday Insurance Nightmares
In our latest Campbell & Halliburton Regina home insurance blog, we share important information from SGI about how to avoid holiday insurance nightmares! Avoid Holiday Insurance Nightmares As things start to settle into a 'new normal', many in person holiday...
How To Spot and Prevent Ice Dams
Winter is here and as a homeowner, it’s important to check your property and commit to regular preventative maintenance. This will save you stress and money in the long term. In our latest Campbell & Halliburton Regina home insurance blog, we share important...
Saskatchewan Summer Storms and Insurance
Hi there! It’s Blaine, your Regina Home Insurance Expert at Campbell & Haliburton, myCH.ca. Today, I want to talk about Saskatchewan summer storms! Saskatchewan Summer Storms Thunder, lightning, rain, wind, hail... then five minutes later it’s a nice sunny...
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We would love to hear from you. We can assist you with getting started or providing a quote on a policy. Enter a note below, and we will reply within one business day.